
Our Counselling Service

We provide a free counselling service for people between the ages of 12-21 who live, work or study in North East Edinburgh.

We are open for referrals for counselling. 

What is Counselling?

Counselling provides an opportunity to talk about things that are concerning you, in confidence, with a qualified counsellor.

Counsellors are trained to listen without judging and to help individuals process their thoughts and feelings.

Common themes can include stress, anxiety, depression, relationships, change, bereavement and loss, dealing with distressing traumatic events.

How can counselling help me?

The counsellor will pay attention to things that matter to you, and how you see your life. You can talk about whatever is going on in your life, including the things that worry you, confuse you or might make you feel angry, sad or helpless. It might be about your past, what is happening now or worries about the future.

The Counsellor are:

Our Trainee Counsellors are: 

How long will counselling last?

Counselling usually takes place weekly and appointments last about 50 minutes.  We can offer counselling initially for up to 20 sessions. It is reviewed regularly between counsellor and client.

Where and when does it take place?

Counselling takes place at The Junction at a prearranged time, in a private room. Although we will try to find a time to suit you, please be aware that spaces are limited and if your availability is limited, you may have to wait longer to start seeing a counsellor.

Is it confidential?

Counselling is confidential. The counsellor will not give your name, details or information about you to anyone outside the organisation without your permission and they will not discuss what you tell them unless you ask them to.

However, if the counsellor has reason to believe that you or someone you talked about is in danger or there is a risk to life, they HAVE to tell someone. If this happened they will talk with you about what they plan to do and why.

All counsellors receive supervision to support their work, to ensure quality of practice.

How can I get in touch about counselling?

If you would like to find out more e-mail: [email protected]

If you would like to access counselling you can:

You can also ask another person you trust to make the referral on your behalf, such as a parent or teacher.

Open Access Times:

If you need support and cannot wait for an appointment, then come along to our service:
Monday – Walk-in: 4pm – 7pm.
Wednesday – Drop-in: 4pm – 7pm.
Friday – The chiller drop-in: 12.30pm – 3.30pm

PLEASE NOTE: Young people are seen on a 1st come, 1st served basis and we cannot see everyone all at once. This means that you may be asked to wait for up to an hour for Open Access Services.