Sexual Health

What is Sexual Health?

Good sexual health means looking after your body as well as being happy with your sexual experiences and relationships.

It means protecting yourself from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) or unplanned pregnancy, feeling confident to say what you do and don’t want, and being respected in your choices. You also have a responsibility to help keep yourself and your partner(s) safe.

We provide support around relationships, contraception, STIs, pregnancy, sexuality or whatever is on your mind. We can have a confidential chat with you about anything related to sexual health and relationships at our Open Access Services or during appointment.

We take a non-judgemental approach and our service is inclusive for LGBTQ+ young people.

Pregnancy Testing

If you think you could be pregnant (or know someone who might be), we can provide a free, confidential test. Attend during walk-in or drop-in hours or give us a call or text to arrange an appointment.

One of our workers will chat with you about your options. Even if you are under 16, we don’t need to tell anyone unless we believe you or others under 16 are being harmed. If you do have a positive result (i.e. are pregnant) we will support you to decide what to do next.



We provide C:Card to young people aged 13-21. Signing up for a c:card means you can pick up free condoms, lube and dams. A worker can chat with you and help you choose what’s right for you – if you need it.

It’s a confidential service so you don’t need to give your name, only your date of birth and part of your postcode.

Chlamydia Testing

Around 1 in 10 people have Chlamydia. It often has no symptoms but can cause problems with fertility or lead to more serious infections, so it’s important to get tested if you have had unprotected sex. Chlamydia can be transmitted through vaginal, anal and oral sex. Testing is easy, free and confidential.

Pop in to The Junction for a Postal Testing Kit and we can help you to send it off and get your results over the phone. If you do test positive, it’s easy to treat with a course of antibiotics, usually tablets.
